Playboy magazines 1953-1990


Gentlemen, you will be pleased to know that  Royal City Jewellers and Loans is the proud possessor of the complete collection of Playboy magazine issues dated from 1953 to 1990.  I have been asked to blog about this and since I think this is an interesting project but, knowing that our collection is in pristine condition, I went in search of a copy I could actually dog-ear.  I was even prepared to buy one.  It seems, however, most newsstands do not keep them on display for very long.  Even though I was told they would save an issue for me when the next order came in, I was not prepared to wait.  I then started asking my male friends if I could borrow a copy from them.  The answer was invariably no.  So, either they did not own one, do not want to admit to owning one, or they are  not willing  to part with them.  My guess is the latter, since Hugh Hefner’s net worth in September 2009 was $43 million.  This was the estimated figure filed in his divorce with Kimberly Conrad.I did, however, manage to find some random copies.  You know the line ” I only buy Playboy for the articles”;  well, to my amazement, the articles are excellent, informative, and topical.  Clearly each edition makes a statement on life in North America on that particular date, and the progression of dates makes an ongoing commentary on all aspects of life depicting the path we have taken from 1953 to 1990.  This collection of Playboy magazines has serious historical as well as artistic value.

Collectors of Playboy magazines should be very excited about this special find.

1. hhp//

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